Shameless Begging Post

I have been nominated for the Blog North Awards and if thus if you like, you can vote for me babbling on about ghosts and cheesy chips instead of a more deserving, better punctuated,  professional more regularly updated blog. 🙂 Other people will have real life friends voting for them, I’m stretching out a hand to all my loyal spammers-Canadian Pharmacy, vote for me! RedHotRussianGirls, I’m looking at you! To show my technical expertise and commitment, I cannot even make the link work apart from when I put it in the blogroll list down the side. Quite frankly, even I am now too ashamed to vote for me.


2 Responses to “Shameless Begging Post”

  • narf7 Says:

    Even though I am a total technical ludite I headed on over to that link and I voted for you. Why wouldn’t I when every single post I read (albeit sparse in their decent into my rss feed reader…) makes me laugh out loud and call my long suffering husband in to listen to me read it out loud in tears of laughter and utter enjoyment. You write amazingly well and whoever you are I hope you win! I wouldn’t miss a post for quids AND I actually thought that I was going to get 2 posts and even though this is a begging letter (officially) AND I had to drag my sorry antipodian ass all over the web to find where to vote et al. I STILL love this post 🙂 Good luck :)!

  • PendleWitch Says:

    I have voted! * Beams proudly *

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